Vol. 8 No. 1 (2018): RPEA

					View Vol. 8 No. 1 (2018): RPEA

In its eighth volume, the Revista Portuguesa de Educação Artística (RPEA) continued to pursue the goal of internationalization. Since the last issue, launched in December 2017, the RPEA has been indexed in two more databases of international scientific journals: SIS - Scientific Indexing Services; and CiteFactor - Academic Scientific Journals. Currently, the RPEA is indexed and referenced in nine important directories of scientific journals, which aims to enable researchers in the field of art education to have another publication with international credibility at their disposal. Also in this scope, we have enlarged the number of members of the Scientific Council of the journal, in order to increase the number of specialists and areas of artistic education. This volume also highlights the partnership held with the Congress of Research in Artistic Education, held in November 2017, by the Superior School of Education of Viseu. Some of the articles published here were the result of the debate held at this congress. In this issue, the central problems of current artistic education are discussed: the role of museums in the field of artistic education; research in education from the field of arts; the relationship between artists and schools; inclusion strategies through the arts, with children and young people at risk; artistic projects of intervention in the community; or what the ideal profile of the teacher in the course of musical initiation.

Published: 2018-09-05