Peer review policy

Submitted articles are initially evaluated by members of the editorial team and those deemed appropriate are submitted to the technical advice of at least two external reviewers, anonymously selected from the members of the RPEA Advisory Board (rather than Scientific).

The review is made anonymously, and reviewers may propose rejection, acceptance without modification or propose changes in content or form, conditional upon publication of the article.

Each article submitted is the responsibility of one member of the editorial board or of the international scientific committee, who undertakes to have it evaluated by two peers who are experts in the field and who evaluate it anonymously.

Reviewed articles are treated confidentially by editorial board members, members of the international scientific committee, and reviewers.

The Editorial Board will assess and acknowledge the input of all those involved in the review of the manuscript submitted to the journal.

It will also encourage academic authorities to acknowledge peer review activities as part of the scientific process, and should decline reviewers whose submit reports that are of poor quality, improper, disrespectful or that are delivered after the agreed deadline.