Augmented Reality as an Artistic Tool and Its Relationship With Institutions Such as Museums and Galleries


  • Jorge Alexandre Carvalho Marques Oporto University, Fine Arts School



Augmented Reality, Art, Painting, Sculpture, Museums, Galleries


This article, focusing on studies on new technologies in the field of arts – Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR) – Intends to focus on the possibilities and impact of Augmented Reality, both as a tool artistic or supporting in contemporary exhibition spaces (museums and galleries). Briefly, this article will attempt to begin with a brief introduction to AR, its impact on painting and sculpture, and the consequent co-option of this technology as an artistic tool. In addition to this investigation into the different uses of AR by artists, an attempt will also be made to understand the problems and solutions that this technology can bring to institutions such as museums and galleries with regard to the exhibition, collection and sale of works of art. Finally, in the final considerations, it is approached how this medium can make traditional spaces and art gain an interventional and activist character in our society.

