The Musical Genre Fado: An Essay on its Trajectory, Gaps, Mutations and Sharing from the End of the Salazar Dictatorship to the 21st Century
Fado; Dialogues; Gaps; Mutations; SharingAbstract
This article is presented in the form of an essay through documentary records about the current universe of fado, reflecting its adaptation to contemporaneity and, as such, framing multiple aspects of the musical genre. Like any other genre, fado was touched by time, marked by different social, cultural and aesthetic situations, maintaining, however, a strong connection to its genuineness, in the collective imagination of audiences and performers. It is reflected, based on its historical trajectory, on its evolutionary path in the near past, which encompasses the end of the Salazar dictatorship until reaching the present day of the 21st century. Likewise, it seeks to reflect on the diversity of this unique universe and emphasizes the ability to share spaces and audiences, through changes in its trajectory, bringing questions and proposals
for a look under the new fado.
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