Author Guidelines

Rules for submission of articles to the Portuguese Journal of Artistic Education

We wish to inform you that, for security reasons, the self-registration feature has been disabled on our website. Therefore, all communication proposals should be sent directly to the email

We express our gratitude for your understanding and eagerly anticipate the submission of your contributions. And texts composed in the English language may be considered for acceptance, in cases of noteworthy significance.

The Revista Portuguesa de Educação Artística (RPEA) welcomes articles on any topic within the domain of art education, resulting from either original research or essayistic work, preferably within one of the following domains: Music Education, Dance, Theatre, Visual Arts, Musicology, and Art History.


The proposed articles cannot have been the subject of any other type of publication. This restriction does not apply to press releases or abstracts published in the framework of scientific meetings.

The author(s) retain the copyright of their work, which allows them:
– to publish in part or in full your article in a book, with the necessary reference to the publication of the article;
– to use figures, tables and texts from your article in other works written by the author(s), with the necessary reference to the publication of the article;
– to include your article in compilations of teaching texts, whenever are distributed free of charge by students or made available on open access computer support for teaching or training purposes.
Although editors and reviewers make efforts to ensure the technical and scientific quality of the manuscripts, the final responsibility of the content belongs to the authors, who own the intellectual property of the articles.

The editorial property of published articles belongs to RPEA. Once accepted, the manuscripts cannot be published literally or in a similar form in other places, even in another language, without the consent of RPEA. Manuscripts are initially evaluated by the editorial team members and those considered adequate are submitted to the technical opinion of at least two external reviewers, selected from the members of the RPEA Scientific Council. The review is done anonymously, and the reviewers can propose rejection, acceptance without modification or propose changes of content or form, conditioning the publication of the article to them. The opinions of the editorial team and reviewers are communicated to the author(s).


Manuscripts should be submitted in Word format, using Arial font in size 12, double-spaced, and should not exceed 40 A4 pages. Footnotes and endnotes, set in Arial 10, should be incorporated into the document.

The first page of the article (cover) should contain the title, author(s) name(s) (excluding academic titles), institutional affiliation, email, and the specific scientific area to which the submission pertains.

Accompanying the articles, an Abstract (up to 2000 characters, including spaces), written in Arial 10, double-spaced, in both English and Portuguese, along with the corresponding keywords (4 to 6), is required.

Figures (in jpg or png format) should be embedded in the body of the text in numerical order, with titles at the bottom, presented in Arial 10, single-spaced. Ideally, images should also be submitted as separate files attached to the email, ensuring a minimum quality of 300 dpi to enhance graphical clarity.

Tables should be incorporated into the main text with titles at the bottom, adopting the same format as images.


**Bibliographic References**

References should be listed at the conclusion of the text, in Arial 10. They should be arranged alphabetically by authors' surnames, adhering to the examples provided below. For scenarios not covered by the following examples, authors are advised to consult the latest version of the American Psychological Association (APA) publication guidelines.

a) Book:

Swanwik, K. (1999). Teaching music musically. London: RoutledgeFalmer.

b) Online article references:

Samson, J. "Genre." in Grove Music Online. Oxford Music Online, (accessed on September 5, 2010).

c) Article:

Hoyt, K. B. (1988). "The changing workforce: a review of projections from 1986 to 2000" in The Career Development Quarterly, 37, 31-38.

d) Citations:

Citations within the body of the text should be presented with the author's name, the publication date, and page location. For instance, (Gonçalves, 2008: 4).

The guidelines for submitting articles to the Portuguese Journal of Art Education can also be consulted through the following link: Guidelines for submitting articles to RPEA.pdf