The Portuguese Reception of the Theater of Plínio Marcos


  • Helciclever Barros da Silva Sales Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira
  • Wagner Corsino Enedino Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul



Plínio Marcos, Theater, Reception, Portugal


What this essay proposes is to survey, ascertain, catalog and analyze the academic, critical and media reception of Plínio Marcos’ theater in Portugal. It has been increasingly hot to carry out studies that bring together different cultural
contexts, especially in the Brazil-Portugal case, because, in addition to the history that unites the two nations from a broader point of view, there are also more political recent context elements that are equally important for comparative
investigations. The experience of playwrights and theatrical operators with dictatorial traumatic situations is one of them. Plínio Marcos was the Brazilian playwright most persecuted by the Military Dictatorship between the 1960s and 1980s. In the specific case of this research project, the interest is to know more deeply if there is and how was the insertion of Plínio Marcos’ theater in the academic, critical and mediatic scenario, without, however, failing to determine if his plays were staged by Portuguese theater groups. Thus, it is expected to understand if there was a resonance of
the Plinian theater in Portugal and how this process influenced or not the Lusitanian theater scene, especially between
the 1970s and 1990s.

