Between Dances, Stories and Teaching: The Concepts of Dance/Education in Brazil


  • Alexsander Barbozza da Silva Universidade Federal da Bahia



Dance in Education, Dance-Education, Dance and Education, Dance/Education


This Dance/Education study aims at understanding the different concepts of Dance/Education created in Brazil.
Therefore, we understand the act of conceptualizing as the process of creation and invention, in which people seek,
through words, to create meanings for their actions in the world. In turn, we believe that the concepts of Dance/Education
are linked to the teaching-learning tendencies and conceptions signaled by Gehres (2008) and Souza (2010). Thus, we
organized the text in two expressive essays, entitled: (1) Concepts Emerged in Empiricism and (2) Interactionism and the
Elaboration of Concepts. Through this work we have located the existence of the concepts Dance in Education, Dance-
Education, Dance and Education, and Dance/Education, which are configured as indicative, pointing us to how pedagogical
paradigms in Dance were constructed in a certain time-space.

